About me

Here's my story

I'm Dan Rotaru, a hard-working web developer, creative coder, and self-proclaimed designer specializing in front-end and back-end development. I employ a modern and personalized approach to every task. Currently, I'm based in Chisinau, Moldova.

My IT career began in 2014 with basic HTML and CSS🙂. After I start learning PHP, I started building personal projects. Initially, it was just a hobby, but my passion grew, leading me to where I am today. Now, I prefer using JavaScript as my primary development language.

What about my education? How I previously mentioned I'm self-taught developer:), but also I have finished the biggest IT University from Moldova. I graduated from the Technical University of Moldova in 2023 with a Bachelor's degree in IT. Also, in this period as student from 2019 to 2023, I worked as a freelancer on Kwork (freelance platform), and successfully completing over 100 orders. This experience exposed me to numerous projects, diverse clients, and intriguing tasks. While my expertise lies in front-end development, I have also handled full-stack projects. My main responsibilities as a freelancer were development, design, and maintenance. In addition to my freelance work, I continually seek opportunities to expand my knowledge and stay updated with the latest industry trends. My commitment to delivering high-quality, user-friendly web solutions drives my professional growth.

My vision of tech stack for web development

Frontend Technologies

technologies used for client-side processing, languages, tools and frameworks used for developing the UI and UX

  1. JavaScript - as primary programming language
  2. Vue.js - Progressive JavaScript Framework
  3. Vite - next generation frontend tooling
  4. React.js - JavaScript library for building user interfaces based on components
  5. SASS/SCSS - CSS with superpowers
Backend Technologies

technologies used for server-side processing, data management and business logic implementation

  1. Node.js - cross-platform js runtime environment
  2. Express or Fastify - fast, minimalist web framework for Node.js
  3. Nuxt - the Intuitive Vue Framework
  4. Socket.IO - bidirectional and low-latency communication for every platform
  5. PHP - hypertext preprocessor
Data Storage & Management

technologies used for data storage, databases and cloud services, retrieval and data processing

  1. MongoDB - document-oriented database program
  2. Mongoose - object data modeling (ODM) library for MongoDB
  3. MySQL - relational database management system
  4. Medoo - lightweight PHP database framework
  5. JSON - JavaScript Object Notation, best communication way
Infrastructure & Deployment

platforms, tools, and services used for hosting, deploying, managing and delivering software applications or services

  1. Git - best version control system
  2. GitHub - hosting code that allows for version control and collaboration
  3. Cloudflare - content delivery network services, cloud cybersecurity, DDoS mitigation
  4. Zomro - best VPS & hosting platform, based on my personal experience